
Make Money by Selling AI Images on Freepik 2023

AI tools like Midjourney, Dall-e, Leonardo AI and other text to image AI tools took the level of images to the next level. I tried creating images from these AI tools and I was amazed with the results, but the question was what to do with these endless images? I started searching how I can monetize it and found that I can sell these images on stock websites and can make a passive income by selling ai generated images, In this blog post I will share exact steps I followed to sell ai images. So let’s get started.

What are AI generated images?

AI generated images are created with text-to-image based AI tools by providing text prompt inputs, there are so many free and paid Text-to-image AI tools available on the internet that can generate stunning images based on your text inputs. It’s like transforming your thoughts into an awesome artwork.

To generate an image you just have to write your thoughts in text format and input in these tools, it will generate variations of images based on your texts, you can further experiment and explore till you get satisfied with the end results.

Best AI tools to generate AI images

Here are the most popular paid and free ai tools for graphic designers to generate images

Midjourney– A most popular text to image Ai tool, it allows you generate high quality images, artworks based on the text inputs. Midjourney has released its 6th version recently, You can read this Midjourney V6 beginners guide to learn about creating Ai images with Midjourney

LeonardoAi– It is another popular Ai tool to generate AI images based on texts. It has paid and free plans, You can create ai images with Leonardo AI for free, it provides users 250 credits everyday, You can use this to make images and sell it on freepik.

Dall-E 3– Is Text-to-image Ai tool by OpenAi, You can create stunning designs with Dall-e, and sell it on freepik. To access Dall-E for free you can visit and select create, then you can create images for free. Dall-e has some limitations unlike Leonardo Ai and Midjourney Ai.

What is Freepik?

Freepik is a most popular marketplace for high quality stock images, vectors, illustrations, logos, graphics and other graphic assets. 

Freepik allows creators to sell their artwork on its contributor platform to make a passive income through their content. The best part is Freepik also accepts AI generated images on its platform, that means you can monetize your AI generated images through freepik and make money out of them.

How to sell AI images on freepik?

Here is step-by-step guide to sell AI images on freepik

  • Create your Freepik contributor account here
  • Choose your username, choose your username carefully once you select username you can not change it in future.
  • Fill the billing information
  • Upload required documents like your ID card, Passport for verify your account
  • Next, you can update your portfolio
  • After verification you can start uploading Images .

do’s / don’ts while uploading ai generated content

To avoid rejection of content, follow each step carefully.

Upload original images

  • Always use your own generated ai images, do not upload copied ai images, or taken from other artists.

Quality standards

  • Images must meet the quality standard of Freepik, these should be high-resolution, Most of the time you don’t get high resolution images from AI tools, to avoid this you can upscale images through free image upscaling AI tools.
  • Avoid pixelated, blurred, distorted images.

Avoid offensive content

  • Do not submit images that are offensive, harmful or inappropriate.
  • Always follow guidelines of the platform

Metadata and description

  • You can use 50 tags for images, use relivent tags for your images, and always use #ai_generated for AI images
  • Use correct metadata for your images that are related to your images.
  • Write meaningful description of your images.
  • Check spelling errors in your image, name, and description.

Provide details of Ai tool

  • Provide details of Ai model you used for creating image such as Midjourney, Dall-E, Leonardo, Stable diffusion etc
  • Submit prompt for the image you have used to generation (optional)

Commercial usability

  • Ensure that your images are suitable for commercial use.
  • Do not use any logo or trademark elements in your images.

Test and submit

  • Always test your ai images across the various screens and devices to ensure the display quality.

Benefits of selling AI images on Freepik

If you want to monetize your artworks and make passive income through these then freepik is the best platform. Freepik has millions of visitors monthly across the globe and you can utilise it to display your artwork to a large audience.

How does Freepik pay?

Freepik pays contributors on a monthly basis, through Paypal and Payoneer.

Freepik pays on an average of 0.07$ per image, it depends on the quality of images and your contributor level, subscribers. it changes according to the number of images you sell on it.

Tips to maximise your sales

Create high quality images

Always create high quality images that are useful and valuable for users, focus on quality than quantity.

Avoid using generic images, low quality images

Identify popular niche and category

Brainstorm through popular niche and create images around it to target specific audience.

Follow the popular trends

Keep eye on popular trends, festivals, holidays via freepik calendar and create images that follows the trends, it will help you boost your profile and reach larger audience.

Create artworks and upload consistently

Create images regularly, explore and expereinment with iamges, styles, upload content regularly to get more visibility on the platform.

Leverage social media

Create a dedicated social media pages and share your artworks and images on different social media such as facebook, instagram, pinterest.

other websites to sell vectors and artoworks online

You can sell your artoworks on Shutterstocks, Adobe stocks etc, Shutterstocks does not accept AI images, but you can sell your vectors, logos, graphics, Icons and videos to make extra income.

Final Thoughts

As a ai artist or a graphic designer you can make a passive income by selling ai generated images from Midjourney, Leonardo, Dall-e or any other text to image ai tool. We have discussed about Best Ai tools for graphic designers and ai artists to generate ai artworks, best ai tools for generating ai images, How to monetize ai images through freepik, and step by step guide to become a freepik contributor. Hope this article was helpful, Let us know what ai tool you use to generate ai images.

Faq: Selling AI Images on Freepik

Can I sell ai generated images?

Yes, You can monetize your ai artworks and sell it to stock image website to make a passive income source.

What are the best ai tool to make ai images?

The most popular Text to image ai tools are Midjourney Ai, Dall-E, Ideogram, Leonardo AI, Lexica. You can generate Ai images through these ai tools by just putting text inputs.

Does freepik accepts ai images?

Freepik is a popular stock image, vector, illustration and graphic design marketplace , where designers can buy and sell their artworks, Freepik allows contributors to submit ai generated images on its platform.

Does Shutterstocks accepts AI images?

Shutterstocks does not accept AI generated images, but You can sell vectors, graphics, logos, Icons and videos on shutterstocks.


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